PPC for SaaS

PPC for SaaS: Mistakes, Strategy and Optimization to Scale Faster

You’ve been running PPC for SaaS business for a while now and have started to gain some traction. But now you’re ready to scale things up to the next level. The problem is what got you here won’t get you there. Scaling a PPC program requires an entirely new way of thinking to avoid the common mistakes that will tank your ROI.

In this blog, we’ll show you the key strategies and optimizations the leading SaaS marketers use to scale their PPC programs fast while maintaining efficiency. You’ll learn how to structure campaigns for scale, choose the right bidding strategies, optimize for higher conversions, leverage automation, and analyze results to continuously improve. If you’re ready to take your SaaS PPC program to the next level, read on. The insights and strategies in this guide will help you scale faster and smarter.

The 3 Biggest PPC Mistakes SaaS Marketers Make

As a SaaS marketer, you know how important pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is for scaling your customer base. But many make mistakes that cost them time, money, and new signups.

The first big mistake is not starting with extensive keyword research. You need to find the terms your target customers are actually searching for. Don’t just guess—use tools to analyze search volumes and competition so you can focus your budget on the keywords that will actually drive traffic.

The second mistake is not A/B testing your ads. You need to test different headlines, descriptions, and landing pages to find the combo that yields the highest click-through and conversion rates. Even small changes can lead to big improvements, so test frequently.

Finally, many SaaS marketers don’t optimize their campaigns for conversions. They focus too much on clicks and not enough on what happens after the click. You need to analyze how people interact with your site and tweak your ads, keywords, and landing pages to steer traffic to the places most likely to convert them into leads or customers.

By avoiding these common PPC mistakes and employing an iterative process of research, testing, and optimization, you can scale your SaaS company’s customer growth quickly and cost-effectively. With time and experience, you’ll become a PPC master and watch your key metrics—and your business—skyrocket.

A Winning PPC Strategy for SaaS Companies

To scale your PPC success, you need a winning strategy tailored to SaaS companies. Here are some tips to get you started:

Focus on the customer journey

Map out the key stages of your customer’s journey and build campaigns around those. For SaaS, that’s usually awareness, interest, evaluation, and conversion. Optimize leads and conversions at each stage.

Target high-value keywords

Do keyword research to find terms your ideal customers search for. Bid on phrases like “best [your product type]” or “[your product type] for [your target market].” These indicate high purchase intent.

Create laser-focused ad groups

Group keywords and ads by theme, like product features, business needs, or customer pain points. This makes your ads more relevant and helps you optimize performance.

Write compelling ads

Your ads should highlight the key benefits of your solution, using emotive language to grab attention. Mention free trials, demos, and discounts to drive clicks. Keep ads concise but impactful.

Retarget website visitors

Use retargeting to show ads to people who visited your site but didn’t convert. They’re already interested, so retargeting is very cost-effective. Offer them an incentive to come back and sign up.

Continuously optimize

Monitor your campaigns daily and make adjustments to improve performance. Pause underperforming keywords and ads, increase bids on the successful ones, and test new creative. Small tweaks can lead to big wins.

With the right strategy and optimization, your PPC campaigns can scale new heights. Stay focused on the customer, target high-value prospects, organize tightly themed ad groups, write compelling copy, retarget when possible, and never stop improving. Follow these principles and watch your SaaS business take off!

How to Optimize Your PPC Campaigns to Drive Growth

Once you’ve got your PPC campaigns up and running, it’s time to optimize them to drive real growth. ###Focus on Relevance

The more relevant your ads are to searchers, the higher your click-through and conversion rates will be. Make sure your keywords, ad copy, and landing pages are closely aligned. Use keyword research to find semantically similar terms and related phrases to expand your reach.

Improve Your Ads

Well-written ads with compelling copy and a clear call-to-action will get more clicks. Test different ad copy and placements to see what resonates most with your audience. Include your key benefits and a strong CTA like “Start your free trial today.” Keep your message consistent across ads.

Refine Your Bidding Strategy

The key to scaling with PPC is having an optimized bidding strategy. If you’re using manual bidding, you’ll need to frequently adjust your bids based on performance. Consider switching to automated bidding which uses machine learning to optimize bids and get the most conversions for your budget. Start with enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC) to have more control over the learning process before moving to target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA) bidding.

Analyze and Improve

PPC optimization is an ongoing process. Regularly analyze your campaign and ad performance to see what’s working and not working. Look for areas to improve like low-performing keywords or ads, or high bounce rates on your landing pages. Make incremental changes and continue testing and optimizing to scale your PPC success.

  • Review search term reports to add high-performing keywords as exact match
  • Add negative keywords to reduce irrelevant traffic
  • Check impression share to see if you’re missing opportunities
  • See if dayparting or device targeting could improve performance
  • Consider creating separate campaigns for brand vs. non-brand keywords

With constant optimization and refinement, your PPC campaigns can drive major growth and scale for your SaaS business. But remember, PPC success doesn’t happen overnight. Have patience, keep testing and improving, and stick with what works!

Managing Your Marketing Spend Efficiently

Set a Realistic Budget

As a SaaS marketer, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is not setting a realistic budget for your PPC campaigns. It’s easy to get overzealous and overspend, especially when you’re just getting started. Sit down and determine how much you can actually afford to spend each month while still turning a profit. Then allocate a percentage of that budget specifically for PPC. Start conservatively, around 5-10% of your total marketing budget. You can always scale up from there as you gain more experience.

Track Key Metrics

Once your campaigns are live, you need to closely monitor key metrics like:

  • Cost per click (CPC): How much you’re paying for each click. Aim for $1 to $5 for most B2B SaaS companies.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of people who click your ad after seeing it. For search ads, a good CTR is 2-5% or higher.
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of clicks that convert into a lead or customer. 10-30% is a solid range for most SaaS companies.
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC): How much it costs you to acquire a new customer. Make sure this number is lower than the lifetime value of a customer.
  • Return on investment (ROI): Whether the revenue you’re generating from PPC exceeds your costs. You want an ROI of at least 2:1 or higher.

If any of these metrics seem off, you may need to optimize your campaigns. Look for ways to improve ad copy, choose better keywords, adjust bids, or restructure your landing pages. Small tweaks can lead to big improvements in performance over time.

Scale Strategically

Once you’ve optimized your initial campaigns and have a handle on your key metrics and budget, you can start to scale. Add more keywords, increase your bids, expand into new match types, and build new ad groups and campaigns. But do so cautiously and keep a close eye on your metrics to make sure your costs don’t get out of control. With experience, you’ll get better at scaling your PPC program efficiently and profitably.

FAQs: Scaling your SaaS PPC Success

1. Do I need to increase my budget to scale PPC?

Not necessarily. While increasing your budget can help scale PPC faster, there are other optimizations you can make first before pouring more money into the channel. Focus on improving your account performance and only increase budgets for campaigns and ad groups that are already achieving a good ROI.

2. How can I scale without increasing my budget?

Here are a few ways to scale PPC without upping your spending:

Improve your quality score: A higher quality score means lower costs per click and higher ad rankings. Optimize your ads, keywords, and landing pages to improve relevance and user experience.

Expand into new match types: If you’ve only been using exact match, start using phrase match and broad match modifiers. This exposes your ads to more searches and can increase traffic at a lower cost.

Add negative keywords: Adding negative keywords prevents your ads from showing irrelevant searches, reducing wasted spending. Review search query reports to find new negatives to add.

Optimize for a higher conversion rate: A higher conversion rate means more value from the same amount of traffic. Improve your landing pages, offers, and checkout process to convert more visitors into customers or leads.

Target new keywords: Find new, relevant keywords to target to reach new potential customers. Use a keyword research tool to uncover new opportunities, especially long-tail keywords.

Expand into new ad extensions: Add callouts, site links, call extensions, and more to make your ads more prominent and capture more clicks. Extensions can increase CTRs by up to 10-30% or more.

Automate and optimize bids: Use a rules-based bidding strategy to automatically adjust your bids based on performance data. This helps you scale by optimizing bids 24/7 to maximize conversions and ROI.

Following these tips, you can significantly scale your PPC success and growth without increasing budgets. Only consider budget increases once you’ve optimized your account and are achieving a strong, consistent ROI from your campaigns. With the right optimizations in place, budget increases will be even more impactful.


So there you have it, the keys to scaling your SaaS PPC success. Stay focused on your target customer, optimize for conversions over clicks, build a process of continuous improvement, and don’t be afraid to test new strategies to find what works for your unique business. You’ve spent years honing your craft and building an amazing product, now is the time to scale your marketing efforts to match. Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to scaling your PPC campaigns and taking your SaaS business to the next level. The challenges may seem daunting, but if you’ve made it this far, you have what it takes to overcome them. Stay nimble, keep learning, and never stop testing – your perfect PPC strategy is out there, you just have to find it. You’ve got this! Now go take your SaaS marketing to new heights.

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